mys super hero name is Jason.He likes to do help people.he can  controlling bad people.

One thought on “

  1. Kia ora Rithik,

    I love the superpower you thought of. Controlling bad people. I do wonder how he controls them. Does he control their bodies or their brains?

    Remember to include a detailed description with your uploaded work. You can include things like the task description (what the teachers have asked you to do), a step by step guide to what you did, for example including how you made the picture and how you came up with the name and superpowers etc. You could also include a reflection that reflects on what you liked, disliked, what you found challenging etc. The more details the better.

    You should check out Annabele’s blog. She has done a great job on both her design and her character description. You could even leave her a comment telling her what you like about her work.
    Annabele’s Blog

    If you could have any superpower what would it be?

    Keep up the blogging Rithik,

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