We are learning  about D.L.O and  how to make a D.L.O. D.L.O stands for digital learning object. It is to hard to make D.L.O. and look my D.L.O

In my D.L.O is make with shape .

I named it learning pit.

You can make D.L.O with paper .


We learned about dance.

I learned how to dance.

we watch  different types of dance.

This is one of we watch vidoe :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee_-Yhq3eN4


Hello, my name is Rithik and I am from Hornby. In maths this week, we have been learning about doublingand halving.

Dance in Musicals

1.exploration of characters thought  and feelings.

2. as a narrative  tool – helps tell the story.

3. unspoken mood of a song.

4. to make transition in  time  or place .

5. as a metaphor

eg: it is a nightmare


Hello bloggers today l would like to tell you about what we did in P.E. today . Today we practiced the following skill .

1- We practiced catching and throwing.

2-We practiced hitting the softball off a tee .

Thank you  for reading my  blog. I hope you have a good day.

The end